Anatomy of a Confirmation Page

Published in
1 min readJul 31, 2014


The landing page may be the heart of a conversion flow but the confirmation page guides the visitor through the next experience. For a B2B marketer it is a common use case to feature a content asset on the landing page. While a conversion could lead to the specific asset or your home page, it is a better experience for the marketer and visitor to use a confirmation page.

Deliver on the promise or offer in the landing page and then provide additional opportunities for engagement including newsletter registration, additional content, secondary offers, and social media participation.

Anatomy of Confirmation Page

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The Core Elements of a Confirmation Page:

We’ll cover these elements in more details in a future post.

  1. Headline — Say Thank You
  2. Asset Link
  3. Featured Content
  4. Body Copy
  5. Opt-in Opportunity
  6. Another Offer
  7. Embed Content
  8. Conversion Tracking
  9. Social Media Follow Icons

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